
Me: Helpful, You: Shy

Aww, hey lil' reader! Come here, don't be timid now...aren't you a little fuzzy little shy reader? Just thought you would like to know that Jennifer Liang over at Style.com has confounded expectations by posting some interesting D.I.Y. skincare recipes as part of her monthly "5 great...[expensive products]" feature, gathered from various skincare specialists around NY. Because you are always trying to be the one in your friend group who knows how to make a hair mask out of a cucumber and some olive oil. Or wait is that me?

Also, I've enabled anonymous commenting for your bashful ass. I ♥ feedback.


Unknown said...

Ohmygosh, an Aliceblog! It's like a spikey-haired rainbow spinning in circles, or something. Rock on.

Unknown said...

this blog makes my barf!!!

ht said...

Well I dunno about this cucmber/oil bullcack, but I got a recipe for an eye supplement involving:
* Mimosa hostilis root bark
* A coffee grinder or heavy duty blender (one that will crush ice)
* Quart Mixing jar
* Water
* Lye (granulated NaOH)
* Vinegar (in case you spill that Lye)
* Naptha (petroleum ether)
* 4 wide mount 8 oz jelly jars
* Funnel
* Coffee filters
* Rubber spatula
* Very cold freezer
* Non-sudsy 10% "janitorial" ammonia
* Eye-dropper
* Dust mask, safety goggles and rubber gloves
Best part is once you make & take the supplement, it only takes 10 minutes to work...like a fire engine without the calamity of a fire.

One for your new Cuisin...oh oops..shhhh...